About us

Who we are

For our foreign friends and members, ‘Vouna’ means ‘Mountains’ in Greek and ‘Vounisioi’ ‘the Mountain people’. Being ‘Vounisious’ is our way of living and sharing this love and nature admiration with like-minded people!


Every action brings a reaction and as such, our story was born quite some time ago, as it begun subconsciously, matured consciously and evolved responsibly giving birth to Vounisious Adventure Club.


Our team leader Stavros is a certified hiking leader and all members of the team are first aid responders with a specialized in outdoors activities course “Wilderness First Aid” From WMA (https://www.wmaeurope.com)

Our story

It begins when our Team Leader at a young age was accompanying his grandfather in the island’s outdoors and was inspired by the amazing picturesque scenery of Cyprus and the art of exploration.


History evolves as our Team Leader takes a loving habit into public dedication and becomes certified and specialised in various outdoors activities with now 10 years of experience.

What we do

Our main activities involve single or multi-day hiking, camping, backpacking and adventure hiking events, also cycling or combined events of Camping-Hiking-Cycling.

Our main aim is to explore nature by designing unique routes that grasp its hidden beauty, outside the existing hiking paths.

As from 2022 we are also offering our services by organizing private tailor-made hiking tours for businesses personnel bonding and other groups on demand.


If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us via: